When Musamore Editions appeared it was first sort of a secret it was the return of A// from Le Syndicat Electronique (LSE) / Invasion Planete Recordings (IP). For the people who know his work and the way he presents his work it never was a secret. Still it was a surprise that this return took place after the way IP came to an end.
After a series of eight cd's on Musamore (see here...) came the return to vinyl with Zusammen Records. First with five 10" records with in a way the well known elektro / electronic sound. Some of these records include small masterpieces... some others are maybe only interesting to the collectors and followers of IP and related stuff.
Recently three 10" record appeared under the alias of Précurseur Grand Bois. These three releases are simply outstanding... both in the repertoire of A// as in the music world in general. The music is a mix of electronics and acoustic instruments... tunes going from minimal repetitive chants to music fitting some old freak show. Some pieces would have been perfect as soundtrack to the Carnivale tv series.
What you hear is original and unique... but I cannot escape the feeling that I am listening to later day LSE jamming around with Novy Svet. Maybe A// did listen to Novy Svet and came up with this stuff... maybe...
Everything around Précurseur Grand Bois must also been seen in relation to the two cd's on Totsoluna Disc and the two tapes recently released on Religion Nouvelle... yet another two (sub)labels run by A//. All four of these releases move away from the electronic music field into the realm of ritual, occult, folklore and traditional music. While both the first cd and the first tape are more ritualistic and occult in feeling the second cd and second tape move more and more into the traditional music and folkloristic world.
Together with this new music he is doing A// also developed a new world of images around him and a new image for himself. Do not get me wrong... throughout the year excellent music has been transmitted into the world by him but this shape shifting thing so to speak is something I do not want to follow. To me when looking back it is like he is in a way the Madonna of the underground. Changing sound and image from time to time in a radical way... maybe too radical. This could have been done in another way... less theatrical...

We have seen the activist (elektro / IP period), the extremist (later day elekto / later day IP period), the prophet (end of LSE / La Seduction Des Innocents period), the hermit (Musamore) and now recently the folkflorist/occultist/freak show character (Totsoluna / Religion Nouvelle / Précurseur Grand Bois)... and coming soon is the first record under the alias of /I\... which sounds and looks like a sort of return the activist and extremist period in sound and image... as it sounds like old school elektro and the cover shows A// (?) in an army jacket and army trousers...
Maybe I should just ignore all this play and shape shifting... as in general the music is good... very good even... and from time to time it is truly brilliant what you get served...

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